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EMERGE Builds Relationships at NACAC

EMERGE attended the 71st National Association for College Admission Counseling (NACAC) national conference in San Diego, California this month.

On one hand, attending the NACAC national conference this year gave us access to college admissions professionals from around the globe; providing an avenue for collaboration, partnership-building, and professional development related to what is new and cutting edge as it relates to college admissions practices. On the other, it served as one of the most visible platforms for showcasing and publicizing the mission of EMERGE amongst national college access professionals, many of whom are also committed to serving our demographic of high-achieving, low-income and first generation college students. NACAC was an amazing opportunity for us to share our achievements and to connect with college representatives who will be reading our students’ college applications!

This year, we were also very fortunate to witness and celebrate one of our long-time supporters, and EMERGE Advisory Council Members, Ms. Tamara Siler - Senior Associate Director of Admission & Coordinator of Minority Recruitment at Rice University. She was elected to the NACAC Board of Directors, a highly regarded and influential position in the college admissions arena. EMERGE is thrilled to have Tamara as a trusted advisor and advocate.

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